What is RBC and How we perform manually RBC count ? RBC count test | RBC count by neubaur chamber

What is RBC  and How we perform RBC count ? RBC count test | RBC count by neubaur  chamber. RBCs count test.  Hello friends, today I am going to give you some information about RBCs (Red blood cells) and how we perform RBC count, RBC count by neubaur chamber(counting chamber) so I hope this is helpful … Read more

Drabkin’s method hemoglobin estimation procedure.Cyanmethemoglobin method PPT

Drabkin’s method hemoglobin estimation procedure  | Cyanmethemoglobin method PPT. Drabkin’s method hemoglobin estimation procedure.Cyanmethemoglobin method PPT. Table Of Contents Today I am going to tell you about” Drabkin’s method hemoglobin estimation procedure.Cyanmethemoglobin method PPT “hemoglobin test procedure and it’s calculation Cyanmethemoglobin  method is also known as colorimetric method because this test is done by  colorimeter. … Read more

Hb estimation by sahli’s method ppt | Sahli’s method test procedure PPT.

Hb estimation by sahli’s method ppt | Sahli’s method Test procedure PPT. 

Hb estimation by sahli's method ppt. Hemoglobin Test procedure, sahli's method.
Hb estimation by sahli’s method ppt.

Hello friends if you search PPT of hemoglobin estimation by sahli’s method or HB estimation by sahli’s method PPT” then this is for you in a simple language and simple PPT of HB hemoglobin estimation by sahli’s method.

In this PPT we know about hemoglobin estimation by sahli’s method how it is performed and what is the normal value of hemoglobin how many types of hemoglobin estimation and many more.

    Also read this –

    What is hemoglobin?

    Hemoglobin is a protein molecules which is made of Heam(iron) and globulin(protein) which carry oxygen from the lungs.

    It’s made of protein molecules that is globupon  chain, the normal adult hemoglobin molecules, contain Two Alpha globulin and two beta globulin chain.

     Featus and infants have two Alpha globulin Chain and adult stage have Gamma globulin chain (beta Chain place to Gamma globulin chain).

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    Sukranu badhane ki dawa in hindi

    Sukranu badhane ki dawa in hindi |Sukranu badhane ki ayurvedic dawa -शुक्राणु बढ़ाने के उपाय Sukranu badhane ki dawa in Hindi.  हेलो दोस्तों आज मैं आप लोगों को बताने वाला हूं कि sukranu badhane ki dawa in Hindi. शुक्राणु क्या होता है ? शुक्राणु की कमी क्यों होती है और शुक्राणु बढ़ाने की दवा, शुक्राणु … Read more

    What is DLC count(Differential leukocytes count) | DLC count in Medical

    What is Differential leukocytes count?  What is DLC count, Differential leukocytes count . Hello friend , here I am describe something about DLC, “What is DLC count, Differential leukocytes count “DLC Test and what is the normal range of DLC count. Let’s start- Table Of Contents What is DLC count ? The DLC full name … Read more

    Rh factor in Hindi | आरएच फैक्टर क्या है?

    RH factor in Hindi | RH factor क्या है? 

    RH factor in Hindi | Rh Factor क्या है | Rh Factor किसे कहते हैं
    RH factor in Hindi. 
    यदि आप जानना चाहते हैं कि “Rh factor in Hindi ” या ” आर एच फैक्टर क्या है? ” और pregnancy में RH factor (Rh factor in pregnancy in Hindi) तो आप इस पोस्ट के द्वारा बहुत ही आसान शब्दों में समझ सकते हैं कि Rh factor क्या है और Pregnancy में Rh factor test का क्या महत्व है. तो चलिए सबसे पहले हम यह जानते हैं कि “आर एच फैक्टर क्या है? “

    आर एच फैक्टर (कारक) क्या है ? (Rh Factor in Hindi). 

    Rh एक प्रकार का प्रोटीन है.यह लाल रक्त कोशिका के सतह पर पाया जाता है ,जिसे रीसस कारक या आरएच फैक्टर (RH factor) कहते हैं .यदि आपके ब्लड में RH protein पाया जाता है तो आपका ब्लड ग्रुप पॉजिटिव और यदि नहीं होता है तो निगेटिव होता है. 
    अब आपके मन में यह सवाल भी आ रहा होगा कि Rh Factor की खोज किसने की? तो चलिए जानतें हैं –

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